
Cyber Security Hall Of Fame -
About Us


About Us

About The Cyber Security Hall of Fame

The Cyber Security Hall of Fame started in 2012 to recognize global cyber security leaders while encouraging future generations to follow in their footsteps. These acknowledged individuals come together to tell the story of cyber security, who were credited for their excellence in technology, education, business, policy, and public awareness of the Cyber Security Industry.

In 2022, we will transition from Cyber’s “Foundational” era to the “Transformational” era - next phase of Cyber Security continuum. This period will focus on cyber security’s shift to business outcomes and will focus on those inventors or technologies that fall within the NIST’s 23 categories under the 5 function areas – Identify, Protect, Detect, Respond, and Recover.

The goal of the cyber security hall of fame is to honor the icons and create an enduring tribute to those individuals that have impacted the industry in the past, present and future.

The Cyber Security Hall of Fame recognizes individuals and teams that invented a cyber technology that has reached commercial scale in the market. The technology has then positivity impacted humanity through accelerated productivity, trust and innovation.